The TwinRay Pendulum holds within it the water molecules of all the Christed Places in France. Naturally, these pendulums already have a high vibration due to the waters where they originate. After Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji receive them, they are then put through another energetic and physical process and are upgraded, blessed and encoded with further frequencies to enhance the sacred waters.
The waters that the Krystic Pendulum contain undergo 12 years of cultivation. They are self-clearing, and are intended to give you greater accuracy in your readings and divination practice.
When low in stock you may receive either a TwinRay or KES gold or silver pendulum based on stock. Feel free to use CONTACT US, instead of ordering if you are not OK with receiving a replacement for out of stock items.
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Discover the magic of our Water of Life Range

Our Water of Life products are a therapeutic solution intended to improve your vital energy.
Water of Life combines the properties of 33 Sacred Medicinal Water, 33 Programmed Crystals and over 144,000 Quantum Healing Frequencies.
This alchemy generates a powerful energy field which improves vitality and promotes health and well-being.
Water of Life is an optimal conductor for transmitting information called "Bio-resonance". These benefits will be transmitted through bio-resonance. Indeed our body has the power to capture all the properties of this alchemy. The water inside the body will be re-informed and re-structured by positive information.
Water of Life may improve your vital energy, regulates emotions, balances the chakras, increases physical performance, brings grounding and serenity.

The Alchemy and process of Living Water

Medicinal Water
Improves your vitality

Regulates emotions

Stimulates natural defences

Sacred geometry
Healing Benefits

Healing frequencies
Healing frequencies

Sound Frequencies
Harmonizes your body

Molecular programming
Healing negative memories

Sacred Water
Increases your potential

Healing Program
Re-informs your metabolism