The Diamond High Heart comes from the interconnected of all life. When the radiant diamond of your own higher higher heart is activated, one goes through a period of bliss that remains. Wash away the illusion of separation forever and connect with the Diamond High Heart.
Art comes in 8x8, 24x24, 36x36, and 47x47 sizes.
If an item is out of stock, feel free to call into the store for pre-orders.

Quantum Potential of Diamond Highheart

Universal Love

Amplifying the magnetic attraction of one’s heart’s desires


Radiating one’s heart with compassionate warmth for all sentient beings

Discover the magic of our Sacred Art

This collectors series of fine art has been brought forth to humanity in order to inspire and awaken higher states of awareness.
The pathless path of enlightenment is a unique and spontaneous journey that inevitably reveals the unchangeable truth of one’s own eternal nature as Divine. This potential is within every soul, and these Sacred Art pieces are portals to feel the union with one’s own Divinity.
These Cosmos Geometries are far more than just art, they are emanations of Samadhi. The state of mind known as samadhi is an ineffable sense of total self-connectedness. This is the highest state of awareness that people can achieve while still bound to the body and which unites oneself with the highest supreme reality.

These purposefully designed mandalas have been drawn to help give rise to higher transcendental states of awareness, through open eyes contemplative meditation.
These living emanations of boundless consciousness, can raise the energetic vibration of any environment in which they reside.
They can be used as transcendental tools for meditation, as living healing frequencies and also to access higher dimensions of being. You can interact with them consciously by inviting the living intelligence of them into your energy body, or passively by allowing them to transmit blissful energy into the environment in which you choose to hang them.
The sacred Art pieces have been brought forth by Sanandaji in deep blissful states of Samadhi, to unify the higher frequencies of the universe into art.
He respectfully attempts to describe the indescribable, interpret the uninterpretable and express the inexpressible mystery of the Divine through every piece. With the celestial colours of light pulsating through each geometry, these sacred emanations intend to assist humanity’s spiritual evolution and bring forth a familiar sense of oneness and unity to all of life.