Enlivened Lavender


What began as a vision in a dream has blossomed into a remarkable lavender farm that produces some of the purest lavender products on Earth.

As the creator of this exquisite line of products pursued her lavender farming adventure, the words “Enlivened Lavender” made itself known in her meditations. It was a call from the universe, and the first step was clear: acquire Azeztulite.

A dream of Azeztulite crystals…

“In my dream a tall, handsome young man stood in front of me with his palms up, holding two smooth, white opalescent discs the size of his hands. There was a telepathic inquiring about whether I’d like to experience them to which I readily agreed. I closed my eyes and he stepped toward me, reaching his arms around me and placing the stones against my lower back. I immediately fell into a truly indescribable flood of the deepest love and acceptance and joy and peace; it was unlike anything I’ve felt before or since. It was truly heaven.”

Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite

The dream led her to the pages of the “Book Of Stones” by Robert Simmons, where she discovered the power of Azeztulite. It was a revelation, and her journey into a new realm of channeling began. Messages flowed, guiding her towards a destiny intertwined with these mystical stones.

Heaven on Earth

The stones found their home around the lavender fields, each placement guided with intention. As the energy of the Azeztulite merged with the earth, it created a heart-shaped sanctuary of love. She shared that the Devas themselves rejoiced at this collaboration between humans and the subtle realms.

A Lavender Oasis

In the spring of 2016, four acres of land were transformed into a lavender oasis, with 10,000 plants of various cultivars. The Azeztulite stones stood as guardians, infusing the lavender with their incredible life-giving force.

One of a Kind

The magic continued into distillation. Azeztulite crystals surrounded the stills, infusing the lavender essential oil and hydrosol with an extraordinary essence. Lab tests revealed their lavender contained the highest linalool content, making it unique among lavender oils worldwide.

These fields, nestled at 2,300 feet above sea level, produce lavender rich in linalool, a natural stress reducer. This lavender is pure, free from the taint of GMOs, and harvested by hand in a county that values the finest quality.

Portal to the Soul

The scent of this lavender is more than a fragrance; it’s a portal to the soul. Inhaling it bypasses judgment, opening a channel to the heart and mind. Lavender’s natural calming effect is amplified by the Azeztulite. For all who encounter this lavender, life becomes more ease-filled, more open. It’s a subtle yet powerful transformation that occurs effortlessly, organically, just like the lavender itself.

Pure Ingredients

This lavender hydrosol mists contain only two ingredients: organic lavender and pure mountain spring water. It’s a testament to their commitment to high-quality products, mirroring the essence of their lavender.

In a world where authenticity is often elusive, our  stands as a pillar of purity. Their lavender products are a testament to the dedication and the extraordinary connection between humans, crystals, and the subtle, elemental realms.

Triskele Organics invites us to live and breathe what “Enlivened Lavender” has come to represent, as it is truly a lavender product like no other. It is an invitation to awaken the senses and infuse yourself with the tranquility offered by the essence of the Azez.

If you have any questions, please use the contact us link. Please ask about our blessed jewelry, healing properties, and protection, and other energetic properties across all of our jewelry lines.

We update our products regularly so please come back and check for our new pieces, new art, and new colors across all of our product lines.

Additional information

Weight 13 oz
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 in

Grosso Oil, Grosso Mist 60ml, Grosso Mist 240ml, Grosso Roll-on, Royal Velvet Essential Oil, Royal Velvet Mist 60ml, Royal Velvet Mist 240ml, Royal Velvet Roll-on